Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"I'm gonna pray for you, that you're not the devil." - October '05 to December '05

"You guys are like the Spartans here." -Doc
"What does that mean?" -Pat
"Work... exercise... pretty soon you're gonna be running naked out there."

"I just want to stab him so vigorously the knife would catch fire." -Bhuan

"He could probably eat his own shit and still be famous." -Gina (about Tom Cruise?)

"De-virginized!" -Kristin

"I know that you're no match for my squirminess." -Diane

"Mrs. Donnelly says we all have big heads because we have to fit so much brains in there." -Mom
"I don't have a big head." -my sister
Nobody responds.

"I don't want to see the penis, I just want to see the rest." -Cindy

"They're all gonna have an orgy now. Ew, no, don't touch me!" -Carrie

"Screw you!" -me
"Screw me all you want." -Green


"Your brother and I tend to float to the same kind of people. You? Guido-fest down the road." -Carrie

"By the way, I want you to know, I decided you're not the devil so I won't call you that." -Diane

"I'm putting my hat back on." -Ben P.
"Don't do it, you'll look like a penis!" -Leah

"Imagine if mutants actually had cool powers... instead of, like, Downs Syndrome." -Ben (quoted by Ryan)

"Yeah, I suck." -Diane
I laugh.
"NOT in any way that would benefit you..."

"I also just always hated stuffing things into my ears." -Diane

"By hanging out with her, it reminds me to keep my own vices in check." -Diane about her friend Charity

"Make bond while adhesive is aggressively tacky." -spray mount instructions

"So management, huh?" -me teasing a girl playing a drinking game
"No, I'm smart, I'm just drunk." -Ann

"I'm gonna pray for you, that you're not the devil." -Diane

kat: you're not the devil
kat: you're evil, but not the devil
kat: maybe a minion

"Go spoon the anus of the turkey." -Kristin

"Fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck." -Kristin

"If I don't neet to use her, I can pass her to you." -Sean abt Hughes as a New Years' date

"I smack her around all the time." -Mike B.
"You're the only one who can smack me around." -Kristin

"When all else fails, use your mouth." -Gina

"How can you tell she's a slut?" -Gina
"It's a matter of open-mind-edness." -me
"Open-something-else-edness." -Ryan

Talking about Thanksgiving preparations
"How many people are going?" -Mom
"No clue." -me
"How many are girls?"
"No clue."
"Because they don't eat the potatoes, because of the carbs."
"Really? That's dumb."
"I know."

"First rule of papal conclave: do not talk about papal conclave." -Spam

"Dan, I think your stick's getting curvy." -Spam

"You got a haircut, didn't you? Your head looks smaller."
"You're like a Chia." -Gina

"Pack those bags, get things started, get ready to get drunk 'cause it's your turn to go down this year, big boy, and that's gonna be a mission." -Snow's voicemail about New Years' plans

"Why are vectors and tensors so important? Why are we washing your brain with this nonsense?"
"This operation is a sin against tensor analysis." -Dr. Bauchau

"If it was me, I'd run her off the road, but I'm a crockpot of testosterone." -Bhuan

"You're trying to have a moment over my back, over my shoulder." -Marco

"I tried to kick the donkey, but the donkey was smarter than me and got away." -Snow describing his honeymoon

"PS- I'm still in detox, and I'm not allowed to drink anymore unless I can learn not to fall down." -text from Erin, post-LA

"When it comes down to it, we were always hammered." -best relationship epitaph ever

kat: ok, well it overflowed and spit out and I... nevermind

kat: given the choice, backer or sex (guaranteed safe and midget free), what would you pick?

"Violence is not the answer." -Jonathan
"Vionence is an answer..." -Brandon

"You just got poked, didn't you?" -me
"Really hard! It hurt!" -Lindsay

"I'm pretty sure Mexico City style is when you hit somebody until candy comes out of them." -Bhuan

"You licked me! And not in a good place!" -Ryan to Amy

"Doc said to me, I hear you're drunk, and I said yes, yes I am." -Erin M.

"I hear you made her cry." -me
"Oh-ho-ho!" -Doc
"And then he told me I couldn't get pregnant." -Erin M.

"When you go to grad school, you're just another brain on a stick." -Jorge Cham

bhuan: we indians have perfected the whole breeding profusely thing

kat: especially if you spent 5 of those hours chasing after a midget


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