Utah 2008
"I almost lost my pants in Denver. Along with the rest of my clothes." -El
"Mars is the new band camp." -A
"Checked equals screwed." -S
"I love me some ambiguous meat. But then, I grew up on ambiguous meat, so..." -Em
"Did you say something about table hookers?" -Em
"We will, we will rock you." -my toothbrush
"I've had historically very bad taste in guys." -Em
"I've never tasted a guy." -T
"I want to eat a beating frog heart." -T
"Curry, you cook it for like two hours, what the hell?" - T
"Have you ever cut the head off a live chicken before?" -T
"It's a sad piece of machinery. It reminds me of my grandmother's grandmother in her grave. Or on the pyre, whatever." -T about V'ger
"Ooooh, 'World's Largest Hot Dog'! ...'Chain'. Oh. That's dramatically less interesting." -me
"She had to kill a frog." -me
"Not kill it, pith it. Well... kill it." -T
"What did you say?" -A
"'I thought Sanskrit was a dead language.'" -me
"I heard something about bandwidth."
"Can we listen to some Eagles for a while?" -A
"I've got the greatest hits on my ipod." -me
"So do I. I've got like three of them." -A
"Whose tits?" -T (mishearing "greatest hits")
"Dude, this is like getting high without anything." -T in the snow on top of Radio Ridge
"It looks totally cute in a badass way." -El to T, about her bandanna
"Oh, I wanted a cookie." -El
"Here." -me
"I have blood on my hands."
"Don't you feel like such a professional?" -El, over the HAM radios
"I feel like a trucker." -me
"10-4, good buddy." -El
"Orange Bang. It's whipped!" -El
"Can you growl again? Because that would be less scary than you saying 'poppycock' one more time." -S to T
"No, I'm just cooking this out of my ass right now!" -T
"It's actually ok to use the toilet downstairs." -El
"It tastes like beefy goodness." -El on MSG
"The sky is so bloody blue." -T
"It's non-oxygenated blood." -El
"Sorry, T's butt is distracting me." -Em
"If I had three wishes from a genie, that'd be one of them." -S
"That's creepy... but in a good way." -T to S, when he said he'd be ok with having her voice
"Excuse me... where are the sanitary napkins?" -S to T, asking about moist towelettes
"The moment you say 'bloody', you're a bloody Brit?" -T
"Was anyone else here homeschooled? ...She had the home-schooled feel to her." -S about one of the previous crew members (Angie)
"How much feeling-up did you do?" -Em
"Mworw?" -T
"I thought you were a dog." -me
"Much better."
"If you need help with that, I'm good at stripping." -Em
"Actually, I probably don't want to be wearing my pajamas when I'm working with sulfuric acid... oh well." -El
"This is going to flick out, and I don't want it to flop around." -El
"What's a clusterf-?" - T
"It starts with a threesome and goes higher." -El
"I didn't say that, but that's what I said." -S
"That's most definitely a penis." -S
"...yeah." -T
"And the biggest balls of them all." -El
"Don't tell men that the male anatomy doesn't fascinate us." -El
"My nose is running. I look like a person from Somalia right now. No, not a person - a hungry kid." - T
"So the clusterf- of science - what should I do with it? Am I part of it right now?" -T
"Much-ass grassy-ass! Ha ha ha ha (snort)" - T
"Like in City of Angels?" - T
"Never seen it." -me
"Gay movie, but good to watch if you're drunk and want to cry." -T
"Stupid skittles, why won't you update? I ate you!" - A
"Golluming her? I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it should be illegal." -S
"Ok, sitting here, I would be really concerned about those things jabbing into my crotch." -T looking at the items in the back of Don's truck.
"People don't let me do them." -T
"Your muscle contractions and expansions are amazing." -T to El
"Have you seen that greywater?" -Em
"It's so gross! It's... not grey!" -El
"Beauty is pain." -El
"You kept snorting, was it my fault?" -A
"Flush it well. Don't get the poop out of the poop-pot." -T
"There are other things that go up in the world, T, than penises." -El
"I really hope these don't catch fire." -El? on battery-charging night
"Why am I putting my hands in the path of sulfuric acid?" -me
"I'm worrying about this squirting out because I'm squeezing it." -El
"It's all fun and games until someone gets sprayed in the eye with sulfuric acid."
"Or squirted."
"Or flopped."
"Need any help?" -S
"No, I'm pretty good. It's mostly one-person work right now, but I'll need help later keeping it upright." -me
"Keeping it upright?"
"With the pole."
"Is the atmosphere contagious? ...contaminant? ...contaminated?" -S
"Who is that?" -T
"That's you." -A
"Me? I was not wearing a scarf!"
"So we're in the queue?" -T
"You can do me, T." -El
"You're good at measuring! How big are your biceps?" -T
"Did you just hurt yourself while sitting down at the table?" -S
"No. ...Yes." -T
"Are there any available strippers up there?" -El
"It's just, I come up and it's like Spaceballs." -El
"The big thing is patching the crotch. That's where all the damage happens." -Em about suits.
"D is attracted to the word 'crotch' for some reason." -T
"Are you in the queue too?" -T to S waiting for the bathroom
man to the five halves
sexual nintendo
crotch coat
Mrs. Buttersmith's
"I missed something, all I saw was T covering her crotch." -Em
"I turned on the light, and I thought, A melted!" -El finding A's clothes in the washroom
"I woke up with the vibrations through the... bed?" -El
"Do you want me to hold that?" -S
"No, you can just let it dangle." -D (telescope control)
"Anybody want to do the penetrater test?" -El
"I'll show you the device that you use."
"More of sex, less of blood." -El
"You were not calm. There were many times when you were not calm, like Buddha." -A
"You know when you get an itch here and you cannot scratch it?" -T
"I take my toothbrush and stick it down my throat as far as I can." - Em
"Doesn't... that lead to vomiting?" -me
"Not ALWAYS..." - Em
"Australian cricket players? They always have white stuff on their lips." - T
"Ok, I have to click on the butt. I just have to." -El
"Somebody can take The Penetrator for a spin, if they want." -El
"Apparently I'm like Mars' savior or something." -S
"Jock of the Day." - Em
"I hate you." -S
"Oh, we don't share a wall." -A
"We share a wall, we just don't share..." -me
"A bed." -Em
"Do I share a bed with anyone?" -A
"S." -Em
"So why are you pressing down the button to send facial expressions to the hab?" - A
"Oooh, that's an interesting color: poop." -El painting a rock
"I'm an Indian, I can see that word anywhere." -T on "turban"
"Pants are optional at my house." -El
"That's the best Clint Eastwood voice I've ever heard." -S
"Who do you think trained Clint Eastwood in the first place?" -Don
"I feel so objectified." -T
"I see you as a person." -El
"I just see you as a deviated septum with legs." - me
"I always thought that if there was a dry kiss, you were fine. As soon as you have saliva contact, YOU HAVE BABIES." - T
"I didn't know penises had anything to do with it." -El
"I could hear my grandmother's words sounding in my ears. There was no shuffle, it was COMPLETE REPEAT." - T
"No, I did not draw a penis out of fun! It was NOT FUN!" -T
"All I can see is his chest." - T
"I got extra credit for going up in front of the room and holding up the card with the step of how to put on a condom." -A
"Step two: inspect the condom." -A
"Walnuts." -S
"Nuts on the wall. Wall nuts." -T
"D, if it's not asking too much, can I pet your chick later?" - T
"I want death to pour from my eyes." -El
"I get so giddy when I hold soft things. Don't you?" -T
"Not like that." -A
"Oh my God, it's so big! ...It's so soft!" -S looking at his own crotch
"Well, I figured it was just the fly, I didn't realize it was hanging out!" -S
"I can't believe my pants fell down and I didn't notice!" - A
"What does the Turdinator do?" -A
"What? I'm darker than any of you here, and I have more right to be gangster." -T
"'cause 'Wizard' doesn't sound right, because wizards aren't chill!" -T
"Alright, show us the underwear." -S after I claimed I was mormon
"She looked like a camel?" -T
"Toad." -D
"What is camel toad?"
"It's when women get a wedgie, but not in the rear end." -Em
"What's a wedgie?" -T
when T had white creme smeared on her face:
"White people camouflage. You can blend into New England." -me
"No! Mario is NOT giggity!" -T
"No, not cough! Cough! Cough! C... caaaaaf? Little moo!" -T
"Your calves are hairy, but your feet are not." -T
"...thank you." -S
"That was not a compliment."
"I used to have fur on my feet. I wonder what happened to it?" -S
"It's not a pocket! It's a boob holder!" -T
"I know what a ho is. I went to Georgia Perimeter." -T
"He's just extremely potty mouth. Potty all over the mouth." -T
"It's like you have a third eye of killing." -T about El's headlamp
"I can't believe you did that!" -T
"What?" -me
"Flashed me!" -about taking a pictures
"Dude, we should meet up and snort some more." - T to A
"I touched her and it felt squishy!" -T about El
"Dude, I would totally do it in the bioballs." -S
"You kiss my crotch, I kiss yours!" -T
"You just went into my room and stripped!" -Em
"I didn't know there was a vagina until like tenth grade." -T
"You don't have a freaky elbow! You just have huge biceps!" -T to S
"You look like an evil leprechaun. On growth hormones!" -Em to me
"Are you going to start licking it now?" - T on brownie bowl
"Where's the knife-cutter?" - S
"Have you seen ants' balls?" - T
"I have the J-Lo booty of the gymnasts." -S
"All the ladies find you attractive in that homosexual sort of way." -El to S
"If I give you a Stink, will you remember me?" -A
"Any foreign objects you find lodged anywhere are NOT my fault." -El
"...and then she slid it into my Bible." -S
"Mars is the new band camp." -A
"Checked equals screwed." -S
"I love me some ambiguous meat. But then, I grew up on ambiguous meat, so..." -Em
"Did you say something about table hookers?" -Em
"We will, we will rock you." -my toothbrush
"I've had historically very bad taste in guys." -Em
"I've never tasted a guy." -T
"I want to eat a beating frog heart." -T
"Curry, you cook it for like two hours, what the hell?" - T
"Have you ever cut the head off a live chicken before?" -T
"It's a sad piece of machinery. It reminds me of my grandmother's grandmother in her grave. Or on the pyre, whatever." -T about V'ger
"Ooooh, 'World's Largest Hot Dog'! ...'Chain'. Oh. That's dramatically less interesting." -me
"She had to kill a frog." -me
"Not kill it, pith it. Well... kill it." -T
"What did you say?" -A
"'I thought Sanskrit was a dead language.'" -me
"I heard something about bandwidth."
"Can we listen to some Eagles for a while?" -A
"I've got the greatest hits on my ipod." -me
"So do I. I've got like three of them." -A
"Whose tits?" -T (mishearing "greatest hits")
"Dude, this is like getting high without anything." -T in the snow on top of Radio Ridge
"It looks totally cute in a badass way." -El to T, about her bandanna
"Oh, I wanted a cookie." -El
"Here." -me
"I have blood on my hands."
"Don't you feel like such a professional?" -El, over the HAM radios
"I feel like a trucker." -me
"10-4, good buddy." -El
"Orange Bang. It's whipped!" -El
"Can you growl again? Because that would be less scary than you saying 'poppycock' one more time." -S to T
"No, I'm just cooking this out of my ass right now!" -T
"It's actually ok to use the toilet downstairs." -El
"It tastes like beefy goodness." -El on MSG
"The sky is so bloody blue." -T
"It's non-oxygenated blood." -El
"Sorry, T's butt is distracting me." -Em
"If I had three wishes from a genie, that'd be one of them." -S
"That's creepy... but in a good way." -T to S, when he said he'd be ok with having her voice
"Excuse me... where are the sanitary napkins?" -S to T, asking about moist towelettes
"The moment you say 'bloody', you're a bloody Brit?" -T
"Was anyone else here homeschooled? ...She had the home-schooled feel to her." -S about one of the previous crew members (Angie)
"How much feeling-up did you do?" -Em
"Mworw?" -T
"I thought you were a dog." -me
"Much better."
"If you need help with that, I'm good at stripping." -Em
"Actually, I probably don't want to be wearing my pajamas when I'm working with sulfuric acid... oh well." -El
"This is going to flick out, and I don't want it to flop around." -El
"What's a clusterf-?" - T
"It starts with a threesome and goes higher." -El
"I didn't say that, but that's what I said." -S
"That's most definitely a penis." -S
"...yeah." -T
"And the biggest balls of them all." -El
"Don't tell men that the male anatomy doesn't fascinate us." -El
"My nose is running. I look like a person from Somalia right now. No, not a person - a hungry kid." - T
"So the clusterf- of science - what should I do with it? Am I part of it right now?" -T
"Much-ass grassy-ass! Ha ha ha ha (snort)" - T
"Like in City of Angels?" - T
"Never seen it." -me
"Gay movie, but good to watch if you're drunk and want to cry." -T
"Stupid skittles, why won't you update? I ate you!" - A
"Golluming her? I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it should be illegal." -S
"Ok, sitting here, I would be really concerned about those things jabbing into my crotch." -T looking at the items in the back of Don's truck.
"People don't let me do them." -T
"Your muscle contractions and expansions are amazing." -T to El
"Have you seen that greywater?" -Em
"It's so gross! It's... not grey!" -El
"Beauty is pain." -El
"You kept snorting, was it my fault?" -A
"Flush it well. Don't get the poop out of the poop-pot." -T
"There are other things that go up in the world, T, than penises." -El
"I really hope these don't catch fire." -El? on battery-charging night
"Why am I putting my hands in the path of sulfuric acid?" -me
"I'm worrying about this squirting out because I'm squeezing it." -El
"It's all fun and games until someone gets sprayed in the eye with sulfuric acid."
"Or squirted."
"Or flopped."
"Need any help?" -S
"No, I'm pretty good. It's mostly one-person work right now, but I'll need help later keeping it upright." -me
"Keeping it upright?"
"With the pole."
"Is the atmosphere contagious? ...contaminant? ...contaminated?" -S
"Who is that?" -T
"That's you." -A
"Me? I was not wearing a scarf!"
"So we're in the queue?" -T
"You can do me, T." -El
"You're good at measuring! How big are your biceps?" -T
"Did you just hurt yourself while sitting down at the table?" -S
"No. ...Yes." -T
"Are there any available strippers up there?" -El
"It's just, I come up and it's like Spaceballs." -El
"The big thing is patching the crotch. That's where all the damage happens." -Em about suits.
"D is attracted to the word 'crotch' for some reason." -T
"Are you in the queue too?" -T to S waiting for the bathroom
man to the five halves
sexual nintendo
crotch coat
Mrs. Buttersmith's
"I missed something, all I saw was T covering her crotch." -Em
"I turned on the light, and I thought, A melted!" -El finding A's clothes in the washroom
"I woke up with the vibrations through the... bed?" -El
"Do you want me to hold that?" -S
"No, you can just let it dangle." -D (telescope control)
"Anybody want to do the penetrater test?" -El
"I'll show you the device that you use."
"More of sex, less of blood." -El
"You were not calm. There were many times when you were not calm, like Buddha." -A
"You know when you get an itch here and you cannot scratch it?" -T
"I take my toothbrush and stick it down my throat as far as I can." - Em
"Doesn't... that lead to vomiting?" -me
"Not ALWAYS..." - Em
"Australian cricket players? They always have white stuff on their lips." - T
"Ok, I have to click on the butt. I just have to." -El
"Somebody can take The Penetrator for a spin, if they want." -El
"Apparently I'm like Mars' savior or something." -S
"Jock of the Day." - Em
"I hate you." -S
"Oh, we don't share a wall." -A
"We share a wall, we just don't share..." -me
"A bed." -Em
"Do I share a bed with anyone?" -A
"S." -Em
"So why are you pressing down the button to send facial expressions to the hab?" - A
"Oooh, that's an interesting color: poop." -El painting a rock
"I'm an Indian, I can see that word anywhere." -T on "turban"
"Pants are optional at my house." -El
"That's the best Clint Eastwood voice I've ever heard." -S
"Who do you think trained Clint Eastwood in the first place?" -Don
"I feel so objectified." -T
"I see you as a person." -El
"I just see you as a deviated septum with legs." - me
"I always thought that if there was a dry kiss, you were fine. As soon as you have saliva contact, YOU HAVE BABIES." - T
"I didn't know penises had anything to do with it." -El
"I could hear my grandmother's words sounding in my ears. There was no shuffle, it was COMPLETE REPEAT." - T
"No, I did not draw a penis out of fun! It was NOT FUN!" -T
"All I can see is his chest." - T
"I got extra credit for going up in front of the room and holding up the card with the step of how to put on a condom." -A
"Step two: inspect the condom." -A
"Walnuts." -S
"Nuts on the wall. Wall nuts." -T
"D, if it's not asking too much, can I pet your chick later?" - T
"I want death to pour from my eyes." -El
"I get so giddy when I hold soft things. Don't you?" -T
"Not like that." -A
"Oh my God, it's so big! ...It's so soft!" -S looking at his own crotch
"Well, I figured it was just the fly, I didn't realize it was hanging out!" -S
"I can't believe my pants fell down and I didn't notice!" - A
"What does the Turdinator do?" -A
"What? I'm darker than any of you here, and I have more right to be gangster." -T
"'cause 'Wizard' doesn't sound right, because wizards aren't chill!" -T
"Alright, show us the underwear." -S after I claimed I was mormon
"She looked like a camel?" -T
"Toad." -D
"What is camel toad?"
"It's when women get a wedgie, but not in the rear end." -Em
"What's a wedgie?" -T
when T had white creme smeared on her face:
"White people camouflage. You can blend into New England." -me
"No! Mario is NOT giggity!" -T
"No, not cough! Cough! Cough! C... caaaaaf? Little moo!" -T
"Your calves are hairy, but your feet are not." -T
"...thank you." -S
"That was not a compliment."
"I used to have fur on my feet. I wonder what happened to it?" -S
"It's not a pocket! It's a boob holder!" -T
"I know what a ho is. I went to Georgia Perimeter." -T
"He's just extremely potty mouth. Potty all over the mouth." -T
"It's like you have a third eye of killing." -T about El's headlamp
"I can't believe you did that!" -T
"What?" -me
"Flashed me!" -about taking a pictures
"Dude, we should meet up and snort some more." - T to A
"I touched her and it felt squishy!" -T about El
"Dude, I would totally do it in the bioballs." -S
"You kiss my crotch, I kiss yours!" -T
"You just went into my room and stripped!" -Em
"I didn't know there was a vagina until like tenth grade." -T
"You don't have a freaky elbow! You just have huge biceps!" -T to S
"You look like an evil leprechaun. On growth hormones!" -Em to me
"Are you going to start licking it now?" - T on brownie bowl
"Where's the knife-cutter?" - S
"Have you seen ants' balls?" - T
"I have the J-Lo booty of the gymnasts." -S
"All the ladies find you attractive in that homosexual sort of way." -El to S
"If I give you a Stink, will you remember me?" -A
"Any foreign objects you find lodged anywhere are NOT my fault." -El
"...and then she slid it into my Bible." -S