Friday, January 07, 2005

"Hey, ships!" - New Years 04-05

"I don't want to sit down! I'm better standing!" -Erin

"Well, I had bloomers, but they ripped." - Sean

What Erin asked me - "I want a cookie, do you want a cookie?"
What Snow thought she asked me - "I want a quickie, do you want a quickie?"

"These are made with peanut butter, so you can't make out with Booter." -Erin to Snow

"I'm a little concerned about anything involving the phrase 'master plan.'" -me
"At least it's not 'masturbate.'" -Snow
"That was so easy you shouldn't have gone for it... just like masturbating." -Sean

"I just had two bad hair days in a row so I was kinda worried about it, but I think it'll be ok." -Sean

"Did you just proposition me?" -Snow
"No, your fiance." -Sean

"You cocktease!" -Snow
"Hey, you had your chance." -Sean

"I had my head in the duck's ass!" -Erin

Sean picks up pliers, turns to Snow:
"Where's your nipples?"

"Huff the magic dragon?" -me
"Lives far away!" -Erin
"'by the sea,' honey!" -Snow

"If I had the munchies, I'd eat Piglet before I'd eat Pooh." -Erin

"It wasn't the first Buffy trip, it just turned into that." -Sean
"It's retrospective, it's like the First Battle of Bull Run." -me

Introducing "Cleveland Rocks" on the power hour CD:
"This is for Crowley. It's in honor of... Caiti K." -Sean
"Dammit! I thought this was Kiss!" -me

"I can't handle this, let's go to where they play Bon Jovi!" -Ashley

"I like this high-table thing." -Erin
"I feel endowed." -Sean

"Oh my god, my ass is sore for some reason." -Erin

"Ewww, you taste bad!" -Erin

"I'm so glad that was enough to cover my tongue and give me the sweet taste of champagne!" -Ashley

"Don't play with my belly, I have to go potty." -Erin

"I remember a lot of... action going on around here." -Sean
"Oh boy." -Ashley

"Are your boobs squishier?" -Sean
(feels) "Yeah." -Erin

"You should probably elaborate on 'those two things you showed me.'" -Erin
"Dammit, I just put them away." -Me

"I swear some of the church wine is sherry. When I get it I feel like I want to boot." -Sean
"Do not vomit the blood of Christ!" -Snow

"That was the night I learned what a catheter is." -Sean

"There's all this warm air in between my legs! It's really hot!" -Erin

"I can't molest you, scoot over!" -Erin

"Yeah, I'm a spooner... except with Crowley." -Sean

"You killed Booter!" -Snow
"I know CPR!" -Ashley
"No, no more CPR! You did that last night." -Snow
"You cannot resuscitate my balls." -Sean

"She's a little bit country, I'm a little bit rock and roll..." -Snow singing
"What's that from?" -Sean
"The Osmonds." -me
"I don't watch the Osbournes." -Sean

"Cathode ray tube!" -Sean
"Dork." -Ashley

"He shaved his head down to the skin. He looks like he's going to mug and rape people. But he doesn't, he's really nice." -Courtney

"Yeah, but Booter doesn't smell, and he's looking very sexy in my pants." -Erin

"Ashley just weebled and wobbled but she didn't fall down." -Erin

"'Halloweener'? That's great." -Sean
"Haha, 'weener.' ...Haha, 'poopsmith.'" -Erin

"Ok, there was a room that used to be a chapel..." -Sean
"Did people hook up in there?" -Erin
"...I did."

"Alright, I was gonna be nice but for the rest of the night you're my bitch." -Snow
"I'm your BI-atch." -Sean

"Maybe you should shower last. Or is today going to be one of your multiple-poo days?" -Snow
"Oh, burn in hell." -Snow when he saw me writing down the multiple-poo comment.

"Who wants a sandwich?" -Ashley
"I'll have raw meat." -Sean

"I was taking a drink and playing poker." -Ashley
"Did you bet your pants and raise your top?" -Sean

"Squeeze, no... If you close it and then squeeze it won't..." -Sean
"I didn't shake it!" -Ashley

"Oh, I get to sleep in the pooh sheets!" -Ash

"He secretes peanut oil, be careful." -Erin
"Did you just say he secretes penis oil?" -Ashley

"I'm gonna fart in a minute... ok, I did." -Erin

"Dude, don't disturb my slumber, it stinks like ass out there!" -Sean
"You'd better hope I don't fart again!" -Erin

"Say what?" -Snow
"Your mother?" -Sean
"Motherfucker." -Erin

And finally... the Pictionary-related material:

"You didn't get 'Bible!'" -me
"I know, I'm a baaaaad Lutheran." -Ashley

"Pedophilia with a glove!" -the closest we came to guessing "Michael Jackson"

"Dude, why does Texas look like a ballsack?" -Snow

"Titanic!" -Snow
"Women & children first!" -me
"No children!" -Ashley
"Women!" -Snow
"Men!" -Erin
"SEAMEN!" -Ashley
(nobody stops laughing before time runs out)

"...because I was thinking penis, penis, penis, CHAINSAW!" -Snow

In The Meantime

Just to keep everybody up to date, all the random quotes between the BC game and New Years should probably be available too:

"I don't even drink and I'm gonna go get drunk now!" -Doc

"You don't change the horseman in the middle of the Apocalypse." -Zodda's away message the day after the presidential election

"Potatoes for dinner again. I would've done well during the Famine." -entry in Kat's blog

"Ah, you were not paying attention, and the Eye of Sauron sees all." -Doc

"So what do the people say?, Hernando, we're not going to kill her." -Doc

"My balls aren't that sweaty." -Spam

"If you don't pee on your hands, and your penis isn't that dirty to start with, I don't see why you have to wash your hands." -Mark

"However, the Klingons wiped themselves out with a self-inflicted venereal disease, thereby removing the urgency for UFP starships." -A line from the IPPD second exam

Snow & Erin kissing, Erin starts laughing.
"What?" -Snow
"Sorry, I was reliving Gilmore Girls in my head." -Erin

in an IM to Snow
DrC: for some reason, i'm wishing i still had senior bar available to me
DrC: and since I don't have any killian's to hoist to senior year, i just cracked open a guinness for last year
DrC: to hell with midnight, class tomorrow, and potential alcoholism... here's to senior bar.

"You know Dan, when you get drunk you don't change very much, but you get very red... kind of like you're Asian." -Rebecca

"Seriously, are we talking about genitals here? I mean, are we?" -Spam asking how "low-hanging fruit" could be taken out of context

"This is an interactive class, ok? I can see myself on PBS." -Doc

"My ass is so hot! Feel that shit! Right there!" -Rebecca

"Ow! That was my hip, you bastard. At least ask!" -Ryan

"There is way too much man-love in this kitchen." -Jeff M.

"Pi is sort of a made-up number..." -Rebecca
(Gasp!) -Doc

"Is there anybody here who can still control his bladder?" -Doc

"When (something or other) happens, the constraint line shits to the left..." -In Rebecca's Sizing & Synth report